Unlimited Sidebars

[section_tc][column_tc span=’12’][h_tc type=’2′]Not all pages have to be the same[/h_tc][spacer_tc pixels=’20’][/spacer_tc][divider_tc style=’smaller_line’ animation=’none’ duration=’1100′][/divider_tc][spacer_tc pixels=’20’][/spacer_tc][image_tc url=’https://www.kritesns.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/placehold.it-1127×768.gif’ duration=’1000′ delay=’0′ lightbox=’1′][/image_tc][text_tc]


We know that not all pages are the same. Given the context, sidebar widgets should show only the most relevant information. That’s why we created Unlimited Sidebars. Simply go to Customize Theme – a central place to modify your theme in any way, and under Sidebars dropdown, add as many as you like. 

Next time you go to Appereance – Widgets, your new sidebars will be ready for some unique content. Just don’t forget to select your newly created sidebar when editing the page.

Choose from a wide variety of widgets, both custom and those by wordpress. All styled to look the part. [/text_tc][/column_tc][/section_tc]

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