Smart Header Modes

[section_tc][column_tc span=’12’][h_tc type=’2′]Smart modes of navigation[/h_tc][spacer_tc pixels=’20’][/spacer_tc][divider_tc style=’smaller_line’ animation=’none’ duration=’1100′][/divider_tc][spacer_tc pixels=’20’][/spacer_tc][image_tc url=’×51.gif’ duration=’1000′ delay=’0′ lightbox=’1′][/image_tc][spacer_tc pixels=’20’][/spacer_tc][image_tc url=’×322.gif’ duration=’1000′ delay=’0′ lightbox=’1′][/image_tc][text_tc animation=’none’ duration=’1000′ delay=’0′]

Spiral has a sticky header that always follows you around, no matter where you are in the page. Navigating quickly is essential for web users, that is why we coded this super slim smart header with two modes of navigation.

Once you scroll down, header slims down to take as least space as possible, and turns into breadcrumbs mode – an easy way to go back in steps. 

With a push of a button, header changes mode to regular mode, and you instantly have all the navigation you could ever wish for. Smart!

Oh, and just to throw in a bit of extra – megamenu option available!

[/text_tc][spacer_tc pixels=’80’][/spacer_tc][/column_tc][/section_tc]

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