Hero Heading

[section_tc][column_tc span=’12’][h_tc type=’2′]Hero Heading reacts to your content[/h_tc][spacer_tc pixels=’20’][/spacer_tc][divider_tc style=’smaller_line’ animation=’none’ duration=’1100′][/divider_tc][spacer_tc pixels=’20’][/spacer_tc][image_tc url=’https://www.kritesns.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/placehold.it-1566×678.gif’ duration=’1000′ delay=’0′ lightbox=’1′][/image_tc][text_tc animation=’none’ duration=’1000′ delay=’0′]

Whether it’s a simple page, a page with a featured image, blog post, blog category or portfolio item, it’s always showing the most relevant information and a quick shortcut to share the page. 

However, if the page/category has a featured image, it will be shown in the background, with a beautiful dimming and Z-Depth scrolling parallax effect – our custom detail only available in Spiral Theme. 

[/text_tc][spacer_tc pixels=’50’][/spacer_tc][h_tc type=’4′]Regular Heading[/h_tc][spacer_tc pixels=’20’][/spacer_tc][image_tc url=’https://www.kritesns.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/placehold.it-1566×195.gif’ duration=’1000′ delay=’0′ lightbox=’1′][/image_tc][text_tc animation=’none’ duration=’1000′ delay=’0′]

If there is no featured image, heading becomes a stylish and slim part of header, with almost all the functionality Hero heading has!


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